Acupuncturists respond to mental health crisis for veterans and active duty personnel

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On Armed Forces Day in May, many Iraq/Afghanistan combat veterans and active duty will be suffering from serious acute traumatic stress – they may be having flashbacks, panic, insomnia, suicide ideation, or any number of symptoms. A June, 2007, Washington Post article reported that “nearly 40 percent of soldiers, a third of Marines, and half of the National Guard members” are reporting symptoms of mental health issues.


123barefoot Clinic LLC with the generosity of the Guthrie Public Library will be offering these free clinics on the third Saturday of each month beginning on Saturday, May 18.

In response, Acupuncturists Without Borders is implementing a nationwide program to provide free acupuncture to returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and active duty. Groups around the country are forming to create a nationwide network of free community acupuncture clinics for veterans and active duty and their families. Clinics are already operational in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Washington D.C., Chicago, San Diego and Baltimore.

Acupuncturists Without Borders, who is coordinating the program, began treating residents, volunteers, relief workers, first responders and military personnel in post Katrina New Orleans. Having successfully implemented community-style acupuncture there with over 8000 treatments, AWB is working to implement its Iraq/Afghanistan Military Stress Recovery Project and inviting communities around the country to participate.

123barefoot Clinic LLC with the generosity of the Guthrie Public Library will be offering these free clinics on the third Saturday of each month beginning on Saturday May 18, 2013 on Armed Forces Day from 10:30a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Guthrie Public Library.

Community Style Acupuncture consists of:

 Acupuncture needles on ears only

 Treatment to help reduce stress and anxiety; help with trouble sleeping; provide a general sense of well-being and make you feel better.

 30 – 45 minute treatment

 Done in a group

 All needles are pre-packaged, sterile, and disposed of after use.

Raul Rojas, a Veteran and participant in the Albuquerque Clinic for the Iraq/Afghanistan MSRP has found great value in this burgeoning program and states, “I believe that because of the acupuncture treatments I have become calmer and my anxiety level has drastically come down. I’m able to sleep more restfully and longer without nightmares or flashbacks…Acupuncture is helping me get my life back.”


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