As a 1995 graduating senior at Guthrie High School, it certainly did not surprise many to see Aesha Rasheed doing great things in life. Some of those great things helped her received a high honor started by President George H. W. Bush during his presidency.

Aesha Rasheed takes time for a photo-op before the reception where she was honored as the Daily Point of Light Award. Facebook Photo
Rasheed, who among many things excelled in journalism while in high school and in college at the University of Oklahoma, was nominated and accepted the Daily Point of Light Award. She was the 4,996 citizen to achieve the honor.
Daily Point of Light Awards are given to individuals and organizations who find innovative ways to meet community needs, efforts which often lead to long-term solutions and impact social problems in their local communities.
Among those in attendance of the reception at the White House were President Barack Obama, President George H. W. Bush, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Orin Hatch and First Lady Michelle Obama.
After college, Rasheed took her writing skills to The Times-Picayune in New Orleans as an education writer.
It was there, Rasheed became frustrated with the city’s mismanaged school district left her wanting to do more to directly help the community. At about the same time, Hurricane Katrina hit her city.
The storm closed all of the public schools (128) and after the clean up only 10 reopened. Shortly after, Rasheed began to publish the “New Orleans Parent’s Guide.”
“I can’t solve the New Orleans school problem by myself,” Rasheed told Points of Light. “We should all be doing the work of making sure that children are nurtured. The New Orleans Parent’s Guide is simply my piece.”
Read more about Rasheed’s accomplishments and dedication at Points of Light.
What a wonderful honor for a former Guthrie High School student. She has been able to make a difference.