We’ve all seen the pictures: dogs and cats with noses that look like a cartoon clown, jowls so swollen they look like tennis balls, pets that look like caricatures of themselves. But in truth, those swollen faces are no joke. Insect bites and stings can be dangerous if not fatal to pets, just like some people. But when do you worry?
First let’s talk about the most common insect bites, wasps, and bees. Most dogs stumble onto a bee at least once in their life. It would be hard not to! A dog that has his nose to the ground will quite easily disturb an unsuspecting bee in clover or a plant that may decide to retaliate with a sting. The same thing can happen with wasps, especially ground-dwelling wasps. But it’s important to remember that it’s not just bees and wasps that can harm your furry friends with their sting. Certain species of hornet, like the Bald-Faced Hornet, which are usually found making their nest above ground, can also sting anyone in their way, increasing the likelihood of you, or your animals suffering from unwanted health issues. As a result of the danger that they pose, it may be in your best interest to have a look at somewhere like pestguide to learn more about this insect and how to safely remove them from your home, which could lead to professional help if you’re unsuccessful. You should do everything in your power to make sure that your pets are protected from any type of insect sting, as the consequences could be fatal. However, while bees and wasp’s stings are not necessarily dangerous, some dogs and cats may be allergic to them, just like some people. These pets will most likely go into immediate distress, or anaphylactic shock, and have trouble breathing, swelling, and weakness or collapse. These symptoms can also occur when a pet has received multiple stings, or stings in and around the mouth, nose, and eyes.
Read more: Cat and Dogs vs. Bugs and Bees: When Should I Worry About Insect Bites?
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