Ben Beck receives Eagle Scout award


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Ben Beck, of Troop 850 of Guthrie, was awarded the Eagle Scout Award on July 20 at a court of honor held at the Zion Lutheran Church.  Scoutmaster Chris Watson presented the Eagle Scout Medal to Beck.  

(L-R) The Beck family, including Talleri, Jacob, Ben, Joseph and Ray.

(L-R) The Beck family, including Talleri, Jacob, Ben, Joseph and Ray.

Beck is the son of Ray and Talleri Beck of Mulhall.

Ben, 18, joins his brothers Jacob and Joseph whom themselves are Eagle Scouts – the first set of three Eagles in Troop 850 and possibly Guthrie history.

The Eagle Scout Award is Scouting’s highest rank.

In order to qualify for the award a board of review examines the proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed for the eagle rank, leadership in troop, school, church, and community, and the candidate’s character.  The Eagle Scout strives to put into daily practice the principles of the scout oath and law.  Less than 4 percent of all scouts ever achieve the rank of eagle.

Ben created and led a service project which landscaped two flower beds at the Zion Lutheran Church in Guthrie.

Ben is a 2014 graduate of Mulhall-Orlando High School and will be attending Oklahoma State this fall and will be majoring in Agricultural Business Management.



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