Boom! Down goes the street light

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Traffic may or may not be smooth sailing in the next several days for a busy Guthrie intersection after an oil field truck ripped down a street light on Tuesday evening.

Street LightGuthrie police officers responded to the intersection of Noble and Wentz after the oil truck’s boom (crane) was too tall and struck the east bound street light pole on Noble sending it to the ground.

Officers patrolled the area until the pole was removed from the street and the street crew could bring a four-way stop sign.

The truck was attempting to turn east onto Noble (Highway 33) when it struck the traffic light on the southeast corner.

The driver, Darryl Dennis, of Cushing was issued a state citation.

Despite being torn to the ground (at the base) the traffic lights never lost power until crews were able to disconnect it.

It is unknown at this time when the traffic light will be restored.

There were no injuries reported at the scene.


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