Logan County Sheriff Reports
The following report is from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office for the week of May 15, 2012 to May 21, 2012.
The following report is from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office for the week of May 15, 2012 to May 21, 2012.
A Logan County judge has found enough evidence for a Texas woman to stand trial for a murder that took place in Guthrie last December.
Attorney Jay Trenary appeared at a felony docket inside the Logan County Courthouse Friday morning to represent a client, but instead was escorted to jail…
Weekly Logan Sheriff reports for April 2012.
The following report is from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office for the week of May 8, 2012 to May 14, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for May 13, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for May 12, 2012.
Guthrie News Page has learned more about Gerald Perry, Jr., who was arrested last week for alleged sex crimes on mentally challenged patients at Westview…
Update – The case and charges were dismissed on Sept. 20, 2013 after the death of Gerald William “Butch” Perry Jr.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for May 6, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for May 5, 2012.
The following report is from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office for the week of May 1, 2012 to May 7, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for April 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for May 1, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for April 30, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for April 28, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for April 27, 2012.
The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for April 26, 2012.
The following report is from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office for the week of April 24, 2012 to April 30, 2012.
The Logan County Sheriff’s Office requested Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations assist with an investigation into a University of Central Oklahoma student who was kidnapped,…