Local Government

Earthquake town hall meeting

There has been overwhelming interest expressed in a town hall meeting to address the recent earthquake swarms which have been plaguing this area of the…

No more waiting in line

Not just too long ago, on a nice weekend day, a member of the local constituency stopped to fuel up at an area gas station….

Chipping away at the Tyranny of Laws

Throughout the years, Oklahoma legislators have created a massive tyranny of confusing and conflicting laws which benefit those who can afford to hire smart attorneys…

Forty modernization proposals win approval

Last week presented the first major legislative deadline. Proposals which didn’t receive committee approval by last Thursday are no longer eligible for additional consideration.

Giving up power

As a Guthrie City Councilman, I participated in the important process of hiring a City Manager. As councilpersons we knew this was one of our…

160 million from thin air

I have seen some rather shocking decision-making process abuses in my time as a legislator and my observations have easily confirmed the famous Calvin Coolidge…