State Government

All Bills Should Receive a Vote‏

This year, Representative Charles Key presented the Oklahoma House of Representatives with a proposed rule change to require that all bills must receive a hearing…

State Officials Making a Difference‏

During the past three weeks I have used this medium to describe the role Oklahoma’s newly elected officials have played in working toward smaller state…

Modernizing the State Treasurer’s Office

This year I enjoyed the opportunity to work with several of Oklahoma’s  new statewide elected officials in their efforts to modernize state  government. I served…

A Refreshing Change of Pace

In past updates I have described how Governor Mary Fallin has played an important role in calling for and ensuring the passage of innovative proposals…

The Year of the Reprimand

June 20, 2011 The Oklahoma Constitution contains a clause that says that for any speech or debate in the egislature, legislators shall not be questioned…