Chamber Chat: Why I have a morning routine and you should too

Why I have a morning routine and you should too.

Or, should I say attempt to have a morning routine.

One of the reasons I push myself to have a morning routine is because a good number of successful people I know have morning routines. I like following the lead of successful people.

However, to my credit, I have always been a person that tried to have some sort of routine.

My why behind doing it is so I can try to establish habits that lead to more success in life and in my work. I’m super intentional in my approach to my morning routine.

Here is how it works:

  • Block out two hours in the morning. I shoot for 4:30 to 6:30.
  • Quiet time.
  • Devotion.
  • Pray.
  • Write blog while drinking water out of my Swell bottle.
  • Exercise while listening to a podcast.
  • Read 30 minutes.
  • Read 3 to 4 blogs.
  • Review goals.
  • Look over calendar for the day.

I have this routine as a list on repeat in my reminders app. I check each off every morning.

The older my children get getting up at 4:30 becomes more of a challenge because I don’t get to bed as early, especially during the summer time. The two hour block can start at anytime. It all depends on my calendar.

Again, I believe this morning routine helps me establish habits that lead to a more successful life.


  • Chamber Coffee hosted by Companion Health at 1314 E. Oklahoma, Guthrie Ok 73044 on September 30th
  • Chamber Board Retreat at Meridian Tech October 7th
  • Business After Hours at Stables Cafe on October 15th
  • Ambassador Committee meeting on October 20th
  • Chamber Finance Committee meeting on October 20th
  • Chamber Board meeting is on October 22nd
  • Lunch & Learn on November 17th

If you have any upcoming events you want to share with the community, please do so by CLICKING HERE and clicking the word MORE on the calendar.

Our new WEBSITE is up. Go check out GuthrieChamber.Com. If you’re a member, go search for your business on our membership page and let me know if you are not there. Click Here to get there in a “blink of an eye.”

My 3 favorite articles this week worth reading:

  1. 6 Ways to Make an Unforgettable First Impression
  2. 25 Habits That Will Make You Smarter
  3. 10 TED Talks Every Entrepreneur Must Watch

We are still signing people up for our communities at I think it’s true to say that we are BETTER TOGETHER. #CommunityWins

The Chamber Coffee is a great way to network and meet new people. Join us this Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. hosted by Sleep Inn 414 Heather Rd, Guthrie, OK 73044.

Farmers Market is Saturday kicking off at 8 a.m. and ending at 12 p.m.  #ComeGetFresh

Your Friend,

Guthrie Chamber


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