City council imposes moratorium on building permits

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Out of executive session, the Guthrie city council announced on Tuesday evening they are imposing a moratorium on building permits. The immediate action was brought on after discussion between attorneys.

Rural WaterLast week, a federal jury found in favor of Rural Water District #1 with a $1.28 million verdict over the City of Guthrie. The jury decided any customers with water lines outside of the 1972 city limits of Guthrie belongs to the water district. Related story: Rural water district awarded $1.28 million from Guthrie; appeal upcoming?

Guthrie attorney Jim Milton tells Guthrie News Page the attorney for the water district says their district manager, Buddy Thompson, is driving neighborhoods looking for new construction (customers) for the district’s next lawsuit against Guthrie.

“We can’t afford more litigation. Therefore, the city council (6-0 vote) has imposed a moratorium against new building permits outside the city’s 1972 city limits and within the district boundaries,” Milton said.

Milton says those customers must now go to the water district.

“During trial, the (water) district promised that the district could serve new customers in six months and that the district will pay for the line extensions. We hope that the district will deliver on these promises so that we may lift the moratorium,” Milton said.

Note: Jim Milton will join Chris Evans and Phil Nichols on the weekly Guthrie News and Sports Report on Wednesday evening. The show begins at 6 p.m. at Stables Café on Guthrie News Page.


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