City of Guthrie announces Sweger as new police chief

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The City of Guthrie has found their next police chief.

Don Sweger has been selected as Police Chief for the City of Guthrie.

Don Sweger has been selected as Police Chief for the City of Guthrie.

After an extensive search and interview process, the city selected Don Sweger to lead the police department.

“I am thrilled to welcome Chief Sweger to the City of Guthrie team, with his exceptional background and experience,” City Manager Sereniah Breland said. “He is extremely personable, knowledgeable, and is widely respected throughout Oklahoma.

Selected from well qualified candidates, Sweger comes from serving as the Chief of Police for the City of Bristow, and prior to that role he was Sheriff of Pawnee County, Undersheriff, Sergeant, Deputy and a Reserve.

Sweger is an instructor for the University of Phoenix, Firearms Instructor, Certified Polygraph Examiner, serves on the Executive Board for the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) and is appointed to the Oklahoma Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board by Attorney General Scott Pruitt.

During his career, Sweger has been named Officer of the Year by the OACP, Cleveland Citizen of the Year Nominee, Oklahoma Sheriff of the Year Nominee and Reserve Officer of the Year.

Chief Sweger holds a Master Degree of Criminal Justice Administration and a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice.

“The interview panel unanimously agreed that he would be a great fit for our community and police department. Please welcome Don, his wife Deidre and daughters, Justice and Shawnda,” Breland said.


1 Comment on "City of Guthrie announces Sweger as new police chief"

  1. Why do police officers watch teen porn and work in the public schools. I find this more of a problem than a concern

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