District 2 Update: Water tower to be dismantled, reconstructed

Many new businesses are moving to Logan County.
– The new Tractor Supply has broken ground at College and Heather, just north of the Sleep Inn on the west side of I-35.
– The new Hampton Inn, south of the Best Western, should open soon.
– The new On Cue on Waterloo east of I-35 will be starting demolition of that long vacated house within the next 45 days.

ODOT will be conducting a traffic study of the Hwy 33/105 interchange in July. The City of Guthrie is in negotiations with Valero/Golden Chick on the type of sewer line to be constructed under Hwy 33 connecting to the public access sewer line at Loves.

A new waterline will soon be run down Pine to Waterloo then west to the new OnCue. Another proposed waterline will go west on Prairie Grove from Midwest to the new Silent Harvest addition on old west Hwy 33 in Guthrie.

The old water tower on the north side of Charter Oak across from the new water tower, just west of Douglas, is about to be dismantled and reconstructed on Indian Meridian about 1/4 mile north of Hwy 105. Construction of the waterline from Langston to Meridian should begin in May. There will be impact to our road district workload to accommodate this new infrastructure.

The bid for Westminster Rd for one mile north of Waterloo is planned to be opened on Monday, May 2nd. We hope to award it then.

Rollercoaster Rd has been has been on hold due to severe leakage of a pond on the west end of the road. A solution has been determined and we hope to resume work there soon. It may be autumn before asphalt can be applied to that mile.

Tree removal from the west side of Pine from Rollercoaster to Camp has been postponed due to the oldest state owned fiber optic line in Oklahoma planted in our bar ditch. The State of Oklahoma is negotiating with Chickasaw Telecommunications to get this fiber relocated onto I-35 and abandon this ancient cable.  Also, the east end of Charter Oak paving will be delayed due to an AT&T fiber optic line buried directly over a plugged up tinhorn which must be replaced before paving. AT&T is working on its relocation.

The guardrail replacements using 100 percent federal safety funding should begin in the last half of May. The Seward/Douglas guardrails intersection will include a new guardrail placement on the east side of Douglas, a flashing curve arrow sign on Douglas, rumblesticks and thermoplastic striping. Included in the funding is the replacement of the guardrails on Pine a half mile north of Waterloo and the guardrails on Prairie Grove between Midwest and Douglas.

Waterloo Rd replacement from Pine to Midwest should still be on course for June. Interim traffic lights for the Waterloo/I-35 intersection is planned for autumn.

In Coyle we just completed clearing a mile long drainage canal getting choked by trees that shoots east of Main St. This was vital for Coyle’s drainage system to Fitzgerald Creek south of the Cimarron River.

On Luther Rd the funding from CIRB for the acquisition of additional R/W easement from Waterloo to Charter Oak should be obtained by ODOT from the CIRB fund. Our contractor of choice has been selected but ODOT will negotiate the contract within the next few weeks.

Our county is purchasing half of the asphalt millings from the resurfacing project of I-35 from Triplett to Mulhall Rd. Our road district’s portion of this will be about 8,000 tons and will improve many of our roads in the coming months.

There are many so many other smaller projects that we are constantly working on around the road district. We appreciate the support, the communications and the patience which you have given us.

Do not count on “someone else” to keep us informed on road conditions. We will respond as soon as we are able. Our office is 282-3405 and my cell is 405-650-0384 (I text too). Or email us at [email protected]


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