Goodman, Lynch named to newly formed Republican Liberty Caucus

A Logan County commissioner and a former secretary of the Logan County GOP have been named to the newly formed Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC).

The national RLC officially recognized the Oklahoma Republican Liberty Caucus as their newest state chapter, according to the RLC website.

District 1 Commissioner Marven Goodman, unanimously, was elected Oklahoma Chapter Chairman.

The following column is from County Commissioner Marven Goodman of District 1.

County Commissioner Marven Goodman of District 1.

“Our goal in chartering this organization is to provide a place for like-minded Republicans who wish to help restore limited government politics to the Republican Party and return it to the principles of the freedom philosophy,” Goodman told the RLC website.

Marlene Lynch was named the Vice-Chairwoman.

The RLC’s organizational mission “is to recruit and endorse candidates who support the RLC’s agenda, elect limited government Republicans to political office, and change the direction of the Republican Party to reflect our vision of peace and prosperity.”

Read more: Republican Liberty Caucus Forms Oklahoma Chapter


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