Guthrie Lions Club installs officers

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Recently the Guthrie Noon Lions Club installed new officers for the 2014-15 year. John Wood and Richard Ireton were installed as the Club President and First Vice President respectively.

Recently installed officers for the Guthrie Noon Lions Club, President John Wood (L) and Vice President Richard Ireton.

Recently installed officers for the Guthrie Noon Lions Club, President John Wood (L) and Vice President Richard Ireton.

In reflecting on his goals for the next 12 months, President Wood noted, “I would like to focus our efforts on “10 percent”. A 10 percent increase in membership, a 10 percent increase in attendance at our weekly meeting and a 10 percent increase in the scholarship fundraising efforts”.

He continued, “We want to continue the rich history of our club in living the Lion Motto ‘We Serve’. In the last year we have provided financial support to great community programs such as the American Legion Boys State and Girls State, the Central Oklahoma Christian Camp, the United Way of Logan County. We have presented two $1,000 scholarships to deserving Guthrie High School Seniors and financially sponsored 38 needy Guthrie citizens on their road to better eyesight with exams and eyeglasses. We were pleased to provide funding to the annual ‘89er Celebration and of course give significant support to the Lions Boys Ranch in Perkins. We are proud to be in the business of “Service to our Community” and we will continue to expand and grow that focus!”

The Guthrie Noon Lions Club meets every Friday at noon at the Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall on Noble Ave. Each week, in addition to a wonderful meal and meaningful fellowship, a special guest presentation is made, generally focusing on a program, process or activity that directly affects our community and our lives.

Membership is open to all who want to make a difference, to all who want “to serve”. For more information concerning Lions and the Guthrie Noon Lions Club please contact Sylvia Ochs at 641-1830.


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