For many of us we don’t think of the Guthrie Public Works (GPW) on a day-to-day basis. Until something goes wrong and then they become a big deal, really fast. Now, they are looking to hire for several key positions
The City of Guthrie’s GPW consists of the Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Street Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance, Line Maintenance, Parks and Recreations, Cemetery and the Convenience Center (city landfill). A total of 27 employees are split among the groups.
GPW Director Tenny Maker says they responded to just over 12,000 reported tasks in 2017. He says those tasks were either reported from residents, tourists or passerby’s.
“This very busy group of staff fit all of these tasks in their every day route operations,” Maker said. “It is important to say several of these task orders took several days to weeks to make the proper repairs needed.”
He continued, “Guthrie Public Works takes much pride in our opportunity to serve your community.”
Maker says they have several staff openings, including a full-time Fleet Maintenance Superintendent position, two full-time Waste Water Treatment operators and one full-time Street Department Equipment Operator.
With spring and summer mowing months ahead, the Parks and Recreations Department will look to fill three seasonal part-time positions.
“All positions are extremely strenuous, but very important,” Maker said.
If you or someone you know that is interested in working for Guthrie Public Works please contact the City of Guthrie Human Resource Department (405)-282-0098 or Guthrie Public Works (405)-282-8400.
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