H.U.G.S.S helping children stay warm

By Audrey Allen (age 11)
Special to Guthrie News Page

4-H Is a program that helps others. Whenever it gets cold outside you want to wear as much warm clothes as possible, but what if you didn’t have any, that would stink right?

That’s why H.U.G.S.S was invented. It stands for hats, underwear, gloves, socks and scarfs. Wouldn’t it just be great if some stranger just showed up and gave you warm clothes? That’s why the South Logan County 4-H Club is doing it.

In the last meeting we used T-shirt scraps that from a quilt that could have been thrown away in, but instead we used them to make scarfs. Since H.U.G.S.S stands for hats, underwear, gloves, socks and scarfs we bought hats, underwear and socks to donate to Guthrie children in need of warm clothing as well.

You can help by contacting your local 4-H club and asking them about their community service.


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