It’s not too early to get immunizations for next school year

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As children prepare to enjoy their summer break, the Logan County Health Department encourages parents to check their children’s immunization records now to make sure their children are up-to-date before the new school year begins.

Immunization“It may seem early, but we suggest parents avoid the long lines in late summer for back-to-school immunizations,” said Jay Smith, Administrative Director. “Oklahoma law mandates that children must be up-to-date on their required immunizations to begin the new school year. These immunizations protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella (chickenpox), hepatitis B and hepatitis A,” he said.

Parents of adolescents are also urged to ask their health care provider or clinic about the vaccine to prevent bacterial meningitis, (MCV4 vaccine) and the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) when their children receive the Tdap booster. Although these vaccines are not required for school, they are the best protection available against some types of bacterial meningitis and human papillomavirus.

 “Immunizations are essential for the health of our children because without them we would experience disease outbreaks in our schools and communities every year,” Smith said. “Vaccines are a safe and effective way to help protect children, families, and our communities from diseases that routinely caused death and disability in the past,” she added.

The required immunizations are available to children under the age of 18 at no charge between the hours of 8 – 11:30 a.m. and 1 – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday at the Logan County Health Department.

For more information about childhood immunizations and schedules, contact the Logan County Health Department at 405-282-3485.


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