UPDATE – Since this article it has been announced that Guthrie will now play in a different league. Read article.
The four sign up dates and times will continue to be held at Taco Mayo on South Division in Guthrie.
Thursday – July 21 – 6 pm to 8 pm
Saturday – July 23 – 10 am to 2 pm
Tuesday – July 26 – 6 pm to 8 pm
Saturday – July 30 – 10 am to 2 pm
What are the age requirements?
Julie – be sure to catch the article I wrote on July 14th about the Guthrie teams joining a new league. It will have all the information, but Guthrie will field 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade teams.
This information was just given to me on Thursday evening. Thanks for the valid question.