The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County on February 7, 2012.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2012-33 State of Oklahoma v. Peoples, Jon CF-2012-34 State of Oklahoma v. Mcteer, Amy Lynn
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2012-40 Kristie Bailes vs. Country Financial, Inc. CJ-2012-41 John C. Dulan Vs Darcy C. Dulan CJ-2012-42 Rena Leach, et al., vs. The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, and Successors in Interest to Mary Jane Unruh, deceased
Criminal Misdemeanor (CM)
CM-2012-56 State of Oklahoma v. Roberts, Daniel Joseph
Paternity (FP)
FP-2012-19 Matthew Lee Bellah vs Christina Wilkey
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2012-70 Squires, Norman v. Martin, Brandon SC-2012-71 Gary and Patricia Cornforth vs. Chris and Jennifer Conroy
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