The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for January 16, 2014.
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2014-8 National Credit Adjusters, LLC vs. Neal W. Vanwinkle
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2014-13 Cynthia Jones Vs Ronald Jones
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2014-3 In Re the marriage of Mandy Marie Hatfield and Joshua Daniel Rollins ML-2014-4 In Re the marriage of Sonya Turner Woods and Michael Wayne Stanley
Protective Order (PO)
PO-2014-10 Robin Lee Rayno vs. Valerie Jean Snelson
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2014-17 Twin Lakes Sports vs. Lynsie L. Avis-Hatfield SC-2014-18 Whispering Oaks MHP, LLC vs Christine Hand SC-2014-19 Whispering Oaks MHP, LLC vs Christopher Sandoval SC-2014-20 Whispering Oaks MHP LLC Vs Judy Hickman SC-2014-21 Whispering Oaks MHP , LLC vs Benjamin Tisserand & Lacey Brewer SC-2014-22 Lester, Loving & Davies, P.C. vs. Eli Balsiger SC-2014-23 Logan County Loans VS LaNey Jones
Tax Liens (TL)
TL-2014-1 OTC vs. Walli Mohammad
Traffic (TR)
TR-2014-85 State of Oklahoma v. Thomas, Dalton Kyle TR-2014-86 State of Oklahoma v. Smith, Brady Lane TR-2014-87 State of Oklahoma v. Powell, Ashley Lynne TR-2014-88 State of Oklahoma v. Musil, Troy Dale TR-2014-89 State of Oklahoma v. Ruthardt, Colby Chance TR-2014-90 State of Oklahoma v. Wetterlund, Michelle Ann TR-2014-91 State of Oklahoma v. Shaikh, Mansoor TR-2014-92 State of Oklahoma v. Tooley, Joshua Dean TR-2014-93 State of Oklahoma v. Follis, James Scott TR-2014-94 State of Oklahoma v. Mcilwee, Andrew Jordan Reser TR-2014-95 State of Oklahoma v. Collins, Carly Renee TR-2014-96 State of Oklahoma v. Simpson, Antonio Lamon Jr TR-2014-97 State of Oklahoma v. Warner, Frederick Lee III TR-2014-98 State of Oklahoma v. Meyers, Brett Albert TR-2014-99 State of Oklahoma v. Moore, Miranda Kaye TR-2014-100 State of Oklahoma v. Lawrence, Meredith Christene TR-2014-101 State of Oklahoma v. Rios- Delgado, Jose Adolfo TR-2014-102 State of Oklahoma v. Rios- Delgado, Jose Adolfo TR-2014-103 State of Oklahoma v. Rios- Delgado, Jose Adolfo TR-2014-104 State of Oklahoma v. Love, Sylvia Jean TR-2014-105 State of Oklahoma v. Berman, Hila TR-2014-106 State of Oklahoma v. Reynolds, Teddy Stanton TR-2014-107 State of Oklahoma v. Hand, Christine TR-2014-108 State of Oklahoma v. Ayre, John William TR-2014-109 State of Oklahoma v. Cook, Jeremy Wayne TR-2014-110 State of Oklahoma v. Simpson, Payton Cole TR-2014-111 State of Oklahoma v. Sullivan, Mariah D TR-2014-112 State of Oklahoma v. Burns, Misty R TR-2014-113 State of Oklahoma v. Stafford, Chris Lee
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