The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for September 26, 2014.
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2014-200 Jayson W Davison vs Allen Alonzo Hancock Jr et al CJ-2014-201 Mclain, Brook E. v. Ryder, Delorah J.
Criminal Misdemeanor (CM)
CM-2014-551 State of Oklahoma v. Isaacs, Travis Lee CM-2014-552 State of Oklahoma v. Godfrey, Cody Russell
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2014-206 Capital One Bank v. Yowell, Molly H CS-2014-207 Deaconess Health System v. Vassar, Cryatal
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2014-151 In Re the marriage of Lindsey Nicole Walters and Jason Walters ML-2014-152 In Re the marriage of Sydnee Nicole Walker and Kevin Michael Trowbridge ML-2014-153 In Re the marriage of James Leroy Roberts and Rhonda Witt Cross ML-2014-154 In Re the marriage of Tiessa Monique Meier and Thomas Eugene Hurst Jr ML-2014-155 In Re the marriage of Stacey Scott Duncan and Kelly Dawn Ellison
Probate (PB)
PB-2014-131 In the Matter of the Estate of Harold A Ransford aka Harold Ransford, deceased
Protective Order (PO)
PO-2014-125 Hernandez, Enrique Hernandez v. NEHMER, SHANEA OCTAVIA PO-2014-126 Crystal Jona Baker-Sheldon vs Jason Thomas Deal PO-2014-127 Raymond Louis Wulf vs Jason Thomas Deal
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2014-381 Integris Rual Health Inc. vs Jana Day & Jason Day SC-2014-382 Baptist Healthcare of Oklahoma vs Kristen Lundy
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