The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for March 30, 2023.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2023-51 State of Oklahoma v. Sams, Vere Davidson Lee
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2023-74 Barbara Ann Bourne v. Raw Crude Oil & Gas, LLC
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2023-53 Jefferson Capital Systems LLC v. Brooks Clayton CS-2023-54 Jefferson Capital Systems LLC v. Blaine P Brooks CS-2023-55 Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Albert D Boatright
Civil Misc. (CV)
CV-2023-52 Kevin Sorrell ET ALl v. Ricky Winegeart CV-2023-53 Kevin Sorrell et ll v. Todd Barber et al CV-2023-54 Kevin Sorrell et al v. Lesley Whisnant
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2023-44 In Re the marriage of Holden Wade Hunsinger and Taylor Nicole Summers
Probate (PB)
PB-2023-42 In the Matter of the Estate of Josh E. Caldwell, deceased
Protective Order (PO)
PO-2023-41 Michelle N Allen v. Brian Van Allen
Traffic (TR)
TR-2023-312 State of Oklahoma v. Corner, Okera Nashia TR-2023-313 State of Oklahoma v. Parks, Savannah Faith TR-2023-314 State of Oklahoma v. Clewell, Shannon Ross TR-2023-315 State of Oklahoma v. Robertson, Sophie TR-2023-316 State of Oklahoma v. Fentem, Laura Roberts TR-2023-317 State of Oklahoma v. Thompson, Cole
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