Mulhall FFA: Back to School Bash

As Summer comes to a close and students are headed back to class, the Mulhall-Orlando FFA Officers kicked off the year with a Back To School Bash on Aug. 18 at Camp Twin Cedars in Guthrie.

With 24 FFA students attending, students participated in an obstacle course exercise, and board bridge challenge. During the obstacle course, three members were supporters to help the others safely navigate the course. At the board bridge, all group members were to stand on a platform and use two different[1]sized wooden boards. Members had to stand on the end of one board while one person walked across the longest to place the shorter one on top of the other to reach the next platform. Then, members had to keep the boards balanced while everyone walked safely across to the next platform. The groups rotated around the two events as well as a balance platform called “The Whale” and a “Spider Web”. Members were asked to complete all these activities while working as a team and encouraging each other.

Next on the agenda was target sports. Members shot arrows during archery and tried their hand at axe throwing. The waterfront provided cool relief with paddle boating and fishing. Highlighting the fishing was Kaylee Blagden’s catch of two perch and Joci Fogle’s perch catch. On the paddle boats, FFA members spent time racing around the pond in circles. On the way home, FFA advisor Tonya Middleton stopped at Braum’s in Guthrie so the members could get a sweet, refreshing treat before returning.

Mulhall-Orlando FFA appreciates Twin Cedar’s Camp Staff and would like to thank Elisha Wheeler, Kyra Wheeler, Jace Schara, and Jade Milton for assisting with the activities.


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