(Oklahoma City) The OERB is announcing a $2 million grant that will bolster science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) materials and equipment in every Oklahoma school district.
Districts will be eligible for a portion of the $2 million grant based on enrollment and percentage of low income students. The money can go to anything STEM-related the district needs.
“The OERB has been dedicated to providing quality STEM-related educational resources and classroom materials for more than 20 years,” said OERB Executive Director Mindy Stitt. “We hear from teachers about how much supplies are needed, and the grant will allow us to further our mission to provide educational resources to Oklahoma schools.”
In 2003, the OERB gave $1 million in total to Oklahoma schools.
“After hearing feedback from the hundreds of teachers who attend our workshops, we felt that now is the time we find room in our budget for another grant of this nature,” said OERB Chairman Danny Morgan. “The OERB has always supported teachers and for the oil and natural gas industry’s future, it’s important we get students interested in math and science.”
A five-year rolling budget and conservative oil and natural gas price forecasting, has allowed the OERB to pull from its reserves to fund the $2 million project.
In January, each district will be sent an application to complete to receive the funding. They will have approximately one month to complete and return the application. Checks will be sent out as the forms are submitted.
The OERB works with Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas industry to improve the lives of all Oklahomans through education and restoration. Funded through a voluntary one tenth of 1 percent assessment on oil and natural gas producers and royalty owners, the OERB provides free environmental restoration of abandoned well sites and extensive educational resources for Oklahoma educators, students and classrooms.
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