Park Board recommends tree for downtown district

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Earlier this month a downtown parking area saw several trees cut down and removed as part of the Forestry Board’s face lift project. Now, they have selected a new tree for the replacement.

Princeton ElmIn the Park Board meeting last week, members recommended the Princeton Elm tree to replace the  Bradford Pears on Harrison Ave. on between 1st and 2nd streets. The motion now goes to the city council for approval.

City officials say the Princeton Elm will provide historical value because of the early day popularity of Elm plantings all across Oklahoma.

“Special thanks to Chairman Joe Chappell and Joe Coffin, landscape architect with TLC Landscaping Company, Jarod Cassada and Betsy Randolph for their thorough research and dedication to recommending a variety of tree that provides ample shade, consists of a non invasive root system, is resistance to disease and has an expected life span for generations to come.”

Following the brick planters, upgrade of watering capability and installation of electricity, the City will proceed with the tree plantings and seating.

“The City of Guthrie Staff appreciates the support of the Park Board and their efforts towards promoting long term beautification.”


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