Record setting gun license applications applied for at OSBI

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For months, OSBI has reported an enormous influx of initial gun license applications.  This is clearly evident in the number of applications received by the Bureau in the month of January 2013.  Last month, OSBI received 4,970 initial applications – a record month since the inception of gun licensing in Oklahoma in January 1996. 

OSBITo put this record number into perspective, January 2012 OSBI logged 1,861 initial applications. January 2011 OSBI accepted 1,515 applications.  The first month the Self Defense Act became law, January 1996, OSBI received 3,256 applications.  That next month, February 1996, is now the second highest month for initial applications at 3,949 – more than a 1,000 below last month.

The OSBI has hired more full-time and part-time workers for the Self Defense Unit.  The Bureau is also using employees in other divisions of OSBI to help.  We will continue to work diligently to process the applications as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Applications for renewals also play a part in this matrix.  The OSBI received 1,137 renewal applications last month – adding to the astounding workload. That number was down slightly from January 2012, which tallied 1,151 renewals.

The OSBI will not offer a reason for the increase.  Due to the length of the entire process of getting one’s gun license, it is difficult, if not impossible, to pinpoint a relationship between a public event and someone applying for a license, e.g. Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, presidential election.


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