Rep. Duel: House announces education plan

The second week of session was filled with committee meetings and legislation.

This week I presented two bills, House Bill 2737 and House Bill 2739, both passed in their committees. Now, these bills can be heard on the House floor.

I presented House Bill 2737 to the Public Safety Committee. It expands second amendment rights in Oklahoma and removes the prohibition on ammunition larger than .45 caliber. I will always be a strong supporter of Oklahoman’s second amendment rights.

I also presented House Bill 2739 to the Criminal Judiciary Committee. It clarifies the victim protective order (VPO) expungement process by establishing in our statutes the avenue to expunge victim protective orders if the defendant has no other victim protective order (VPOs), no misdemeanors, or felonies for five years.

My top priorities for session are tax reform, protecting Oklahoma values and individual rights, and supporting public schools and parental choice.

With that said, this week the House of Representatives announced its education plan, focusing on a policy that works for every student, every parent and every teacher in our state.

House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, authored House Bill 2775 and House Bill 1935, creating the Education Funding Act of 2023. It provides for less government intrusion into the local district and the personal finances of Oklahomans. 

The education plan comes in two parts.

First, the House is proposing a $500 million in increased funding for public schools. It will fund $2,500 pay raises for every teacher not designated as an administrator; $50 million to be distributed to schools receiving below-average funding from annual local tax revenue; and $300 million to be distributed to public school districts on a per-pupil basis.

Second, the House is presenting the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act, which would allow a $5,000 annual tax credit for parents of eligible students that attend private schools and a $2,500 credit for homeschooled students.

Good education is the key to future success and parents are in the best position to determine the best path forward for their children to receive a good education. The House is continuing to lead the way in providing record levels of classroom funding for our schools.

This plan does what’s best for our students, supports strong parent involvement in their children’s education and ensures that our teachers have the resources needed to excel in their jobs.

I am thankful and honored that the constituents of House District 31 have entrusted me with the responsibility of serving in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns at 405-557-7350 or [email protected].

Rep. Collin Duel, a Republican, serves District 31 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, which covers Logan and Oklahoma counties.


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