United Way of Central Oklahoma Activates COVID-19 response fund

OKLAHOMA CITY – United Way of Central Oklahoma has established the COVID-19 Response Fund dedicated to increasing resilience among our most vulnerable individuals and families. This fund will support Partner Agencies of United Way of Central Oklahoma, United Way of Logan County and United Way of Canadian County. It will be used to address the needs of those individuals who are experiencing COVID-19 related hardship primarily due to temporary unemployment, lost income or unexpected expenses related and due to COVID-19.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic impacts our community, we know that we must come together to protect the most vulnerable among us,” United Way of Central Oklahoma President and CEO Debby Hampton said. “While all of our daily lives have been disrupted, many people face critical challenges of lost wages, finding food and shelter and other health and human service needs. We have created this fund to ensure that our Partner Agencies are able to help those throughout our communities who need it most during this crisis.”

For 97 years, United Way of Central Oklahoma has played a key role in responding to community emergency situations. We have enacted disaster relief funds to meet needs following the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the tornadoes on May 3, 1999, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and other disasters. In each circumstance, United Way has effectively and efficiently distributed donors’ dollars to serve as many people as possible while maintaining the highest level of accountability. 

How to Donate

Donations to the United Way of Central Oklahoma COVID-19 Response Fund may be made online at www.unitedwayokc.org or by mail to United Way of Central Oklahoma, P.O. Box 248947, Oklahoma City, OK  73124-8947.

Need Help? Call 2-1-1

Oklahomans who have questions about COVID-19 and its impact on our community, or who need help finding food, paying housing bills, accessing free childcare or other services can call 2-1-1 for a free referral service available 24-hours each day. Managed by HeartLine, a United Way Partner Agency, 2-1-1 offers callers a compassionate voice to provide comfort and guide them to the appropriate health and human service for their situation.


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