Video: Candidates for sheriff field questions in forum

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The First Capital Republican Women (FCRW) and the Logan County GOP hosted a public forum Thursday evening for the two Republican candidates running for Logan County Sheriff.

Sheriff Jim Bauman and former sheriff Randy Richardson fielded questions for 50 minutes in front of an estimated 100 people inside the American Legion Building in downtown Guthrie.

Each candidate started with a two-minute opening comment before fielding questions in which they had one minute to comment. Questions were submitted by the public on index cards and read by moderator Linda Tatom.

Due to time restraints, questions were halted at 9:05 p.m. Afterwards, each candidate was allowed to ask each other one question and was followed up by a two-minute closing.

Richardson served as the county sheriff from 2001 to 2008 and since that time has held the position.

The primary election is set June 26. The general election is Nov. 6.

Guthrie News Page was in attendance and is able to share the complete forum in video format seen below.


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