Broadway bridge is open! Can’t say it simpler than that. As of March 6, motorists may cross the new bridge at Camp and Broadway.
This week the weather finally allowed contractors to apply the final layer of asphalt to the north and south approaches, erect guardrail and stripe the new pavement. The final task ODOT completed before officially opening the roadway was erecting a stop sign at the newly paved intersection of Camp and Broadway. Sodding the site will take place within the next few weeks but this should not interfere with use of the road.
Your patience and understanding while this improvement was underway meant much and I thank you for it. I also appreciated the exceptional service provided by the ODOT inspector who served the citizens well with conscientious oversight of the project and readiness to respond to all our inquiries.
As mentioned in recent updates, in December we encumbered funds to pave three miles of Broadway from Waterloo to Simpson. This week I spoke with Atlas Paving Company regarding the project and learned they hope to begin laying asphalt within the next few weeks. Inclement weather set them back so we have to wait for them to complete other projects before beginning ours. However, when paving is complete, the new asphalt will tie in to the two and one-half miles of Broadway which were paved in 2010, starting at Simpson and continuing north.
Broadway is one of the most heavily traveled major collector routes in Logan County, second only to I-35. With the bridge done, and when resurfacing of the three miles is complete, this roadway will have undergone significant improvement. To view a photo of the new bridge, go to
can we drive on it now or do we need to wait till they lay the asphalt in the next few weeks? It is not clear if the road way is open only that the bridge is. Has anyone made the drive lately?
Broadway is now open all the way to Edmond. It is a little dirty, busy and rough where they are going to repave portions in the future but you can travel the whole length of it now. I think I’ll stay on I-35 though most the time.