Logan County District 2: technology improving efficiency

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Over the last few weeks District 2 employees have been working industriously to restore roadways after the bad weather events of late February. We have been trucking in rock and shale to re-establish road base in the worst areas and our graders have been covering as many miles as possible. I appreciate members of the public who have been in contact with me and my office to help update us on the condition of roads.

Logan County Commissioner Mike Pearson

Logan County Commissioner Mike Pearson

Over the last four years it has been my goal to get roads in as good a condition as our limited income will allow so that recovery time from bad weather will be as quick as possible. This includes devoting as much time as we can to grading, establishing drainage and road base, repairing/replacing bridges, and paving when funds are available to do so.

When I first took office, a system was implemented to maintain a computer record of all the work which we do. This is the means we use to verify that requests from citizens have been addressed. It is also a way to track our work so that we can continue to improve efficiency. Over the last four years our employees have generated 9,185 work records.

Another way in which we are working to be efficient is in regard to the equipment we use. In Dec. 2012, we signed a lease/purchase contract with Warren Cat of Oklahoma City for four new road graders. By trading in our 2007 graders and renegotiating lease/purchase agreements at a lower interest rate, we will be paying less in monthly payments. We have been assured that the new graders will also save on fuel. Since they are new, there should also be fewer repairs. All of these savings will increase available funds in our maintenance and operations account. This is the fund we use for purchasing materials to improve roads and bridges.

The University bridge just east of Midwest is now open to traffic. This bridge is the first of its kind in Logan County and is composed of concrete spans manufactured in Miami, OK. Cost is about 30% less than similar bridges built in the past and was re-opened in about half the time. Finish work is still underway and asphalting of this short section should be completed soon. To see before and after pictures of this bridge go to http://commissiondistrict2.com/cVwddZ.pdf


6 Comments on "Logan County District 2: technology improving efficiency"

  1. You guys could have used simple graders $7-1000 instead of Cat road graders that your inexperienced staff does not know how to operate! You aren’t putting enough rock down to do any good at all – sand would be a better choice. Sorry but you are a lousy lousy commissioner!

    • Reply to Kandy’s comments
      It would be nice if you would check out what you are spitting out, concerning new graters, they are covered with warrants which the old one were not and also payments on new graters are less than payments on the old ones. With the money being saved because of this they are using it to buy rock. When Mr. Pearson took office he had to start with a big mess, he checks roads and keeps on top of everything and doesn’t just set in his office or in the Sheriff’s Office, blowing smoke. He also keeps and updated Web site available to everyone. The new graters have a joystick handle not a steering wheel and takes time to acclimate, personally I think they are doing a great job. ( Where you born knowing everything,or did you have to learn.)
      District 2 has only 4 grater operators 4 truck drivers 1 mower operator and 1 foreman who works also, and they take care of over 500 miles so do the math Kandy and maybe you will appreciate them more. It would be nice if you would check out what your talking about before you go public DC

  2. appreciate the progress in other areas…… But, please don’t forget about the 2 miles south on MERIDIAN Road, going into the town of Meridian. Please and Thank You.

  3. AMAZING ! God heard my cry. Between 8 this morning and 8 tonight, District 2 Maintenance Crew managed to find their way to Meridian Road and patched some of the major potholes with BLACK TOP and not that red clay that turns to mud the second it gets wet. THANK YOU DISTRICT 2, I pray you come and finish tomorrow. PRAISE THE LORD !!!! going to bed with a smile on my face. Appreciate that Mike Pearson.

    • YES God is good and since Mr Pearson has over 500 miles to cover with 4 grater operators 4 truck drivers 1 mower operator and 1 foreman who works also I think if we all would realize we are not the only ones in the county and maybe pray for understanding and patience we could appreciate things more. God Bless Sleep Well DC

  4. Excuse my spelling as my hands do not always work well

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