The City of Guthrie is once again going to try and win a grant to resurface Sooner Road. However, this grant application will be a scaled version compared to the past, including a roundabout on Division St.
The city council approved (4-0) a resolution Tuesday evening to formally apply for a Surface Transportation Block Grant- Urbanized Area (STBG-UZA) application to the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG).
If ACOG approves, the project calls for a multimodal redesign and resurfacing of Sooner Road between Division St. and Lake Road. The project would also remove the signal traffic light on Division St. at Sooner Road and replace it with a roundabout, which is also known as a rotary or traffic circle.
The City’s engineering group (Myers Engineering) listed the project’s total cost at $2,666,305.04. The grant has been identified as an 80-20 grant meaning the City would be responsible for $533,261 of the project if awarded.
The City applied for a similar project last year, but this application has been scaled down in hopes of a better chance at approval and a lower required match. Previously, the City was hopeful to land funding for Sooner Road to be resurfaced from Division St. to Seward Road (end of city limits) and replace two bridges, but the $9M project was declined.
This resurfacing portion of the project would extend to Lake Road but leave out the super-majority of Sooner Road, which is in dire shape of rehabilitation left alone.
“Talking with ACOG it was suggested that we reduce the area or size of the project,” Director of Planning Dan Kassik said to the council members.
City Manager Eddie Faulkner said, “We’ve told doing this project in portions while increasing pedestrians’ safety and multiple-model transportation options, there is a greater chance of success.”:
In previous years, ACOG has been allocated $40M for projects across the state, but this year has been set for $80M.
“We are hopeful,” Faulkner said.

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