Cottonwood Flats will be spared of viaduct construction

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The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is preparing environmental documentation on the proposed bridge replacement on SH-33 over Cottonwood Creek in Guthrie. The alignment for the proposed project indicates the need for new permanent right-of-way from the Cottonwood Flats recreational area, which is owned and maintained by the City of Guthrie. Due to the proposed transportation use of property located within the Flats, Section 4(f) regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 apply to the project. Section 4(f) affords protection to publicly-owned recreation areas (resources) including city, state, and national parks, wildlife refuges and management areas and historic sites.

ViaductODOT has coordinated with the City of Guthrie with regard to avoidance, minimization, and mitigation of impacts of the proposed project on Cottonwood Flats. ODOT is proposing to construct the new 4 lane bridge with ADA compliant sidewalks on a slightly off-set alignment to the south in order to minimize impacts to Cottonwood Flats. The slight off-set would also allow the new bridge to be constructed one-half at a time, which would allow the existing bridge to remain open during construction. ODOT is proposing to obtain approximately 1.2 acres of the 60 acre Cottonwood Flats recreational area, which constitutes less than 2 percent of the park land. The portion of Cottonwood Flats that would be acquired is adjacent to the current Cottonwood Creek bridge on Noble Avenue (please see figure for reference). The parcel that would be acquired is vacant of park features and does not contain any of the ball fields, RV hookups, or the area where the stage is located during the Bluegrass Festival. Some access points to Cottonwood Flats from SH-33 would be modified with construction of the new bridge. Vehicular access from 6th & 7th Streets would be eliminated due to the new approach roadway fill. However, through access would be maintained at 5th & 8th Streets. Access to SH-33 east and westbound would occur at 8th Street. In addition, the new bridge would accommodate pedestrian traffic, which would improve access to Cottonwood Flats from the east.

Construction and Layout Design

Based on the avoidance, minimization, and mitigation of impacts to Cottonwood Flats recreational area as described above, ODOT is proposing a de minimis impact finding with regard to Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act (1966).

For anymore information or details you can mail or e-mail any written comments you have by January 31, 2013 to:

Mr. Scott Stegmann
1000 W. Wilshire Blvd., Suite 224
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
[email protected]


Ms. Siv Sundaram
Environmental Programs Division
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
200 N.E. 21st , Room 3D-2A
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
[email protected]

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Related story: Council updated on the latest involving the viaduct

Related story: Video: behind the scenes with ODOT and the viaduct

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2 Comments on "Cottonwood Flats will be spared of viaduct construction"

  1. Would somebody please explain to me why the bridge has to 4 lanes when Noble Avenue is only two lanes?

  2. I have a question, what about 2nd and 1st street, will they still have access to Noble? Nothing is marked east of the bridge. Guess I need to get my self to one of these meetings.

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