County Assessor resigns; requests first deputy to assume role

The Logan County Board of County Commissioners formally accepted the resignation of Logan County Assessor Tisha Hampton on Monday morning at their regular scheduled meeting on Monday.

With a quick 3-0 vote, the resignation was accepted by the BOCC.

“My final day will be December 31, 2020,” Hampton said in a letter to the commissioners. “I appreciate the help you have provided me with the necessary information to perform my duties to the best of my abilities.”

Hampton citied health reasons for her vacating her position.

Hampton, who was elected in 2014 and 2018, requested the BOCC make Wayne Murphey, her First Deputy, serve as the acting assessor for the next two years of the term.

“I feel very confident the current staff have a good understanding as to what the duties are and how to carry them out,” Hampton said in her letter.

She continued, “It has been a honor to work for Logan County and with a group of dedicated County employees. For the most part, the people I have worked with are dedicated to carry out their statutory duties and to treat the citizens of Logan County fairly.”

The BOCC will likely make a decision to fill the vacancy in early 2021.

Anyone interested in being considered for the position of County Assessor, contact County Clerk Troy Cole at [email protected] or 405-282-0266.


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