District 2 Commissioner candidates discuss key issues

On Tuesday night, the candidates for Logan County District 2 commissioner—Floyd Coffman, Charlie Meadows, and Mike Fergason—participated in a forum at Charter Oak Elementary School. They shared their views on critical issues like road maintenance, budget management, future planning, and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts.

The primary election will be held on Tuesday, June 18 from 7 am to 7 pm, with early voting starting Thursday.

If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, a runoff election will be held on August 27 between the top two candidates.

Opening Statements (Discussion begins at 20:45 in the video)

In the opening statement portion of the forum, Charlie Meadows, who currently holds the position after replacing a predecessor caught in a scandal, used his opening statement to address his current term and future intentions. “I was elected last year to replace Kody the Crook, who was caught stealing fuel from the county. We’re finishing an unexpired term and getting ready to run for another term,” Meadows said. He informed the audience that he intends to serve one additional term.

Meadows also praised one of his opponents, Mike Fergason, suggesting that voters consider Fergason if they don’t choose him. “If after tonight you just can’t find a way to vote for me, I would urge you to vote for Mr. Fergason. I think he’d make a fine commissioner,” Meadows remarked while expressing a contrasting opinion about Coffman. He emphasized the importance of evaluating candidates based on their potential to serve effectively, not on personal likes or dislikes. “We ought to be picking who would be the best county commissioner to serve for the next four years,” Meadows concluded.

Top Goals (Discussion begins at 30:30 in the video)

Each candidate highlighted their priorities, focusing primarily on infrastructure improvements, budget management, and future planning.

Coffman emphasized the importance of regular road maintenance as his top priority. “Number one is getting crews out to regularly maintain the roads,” Coffman stated, pointing out the unacceptable situation of school buses getting stuck on county roads after minimal precipitation.

His second goal is to ensure a properly managed budget. “The budget needs to be right,” Coffman said, stressing the need for fiscal responsibility and effective allocation of resources.

Finally, Coffman highlighted the need to secure additional funding for the county. “We need to search for more money to come into the county,” he explained. Coffman proposed working closely with state representatives and exploring funding opportunities through organizations like the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG). He questioned the current allocation of funds for bike trails, emphasizing the urgent need for road improvement funds instead.

Meadows focused on mitigating road damage caused by weather conditions as his primary goal. “My top goal is to get the roads during the winter time when we have slow soaking rains, which do far more damage than a fast rain, to a point where they don’t break down like that,” Meadows explained. He noted that 80% of unpaved roads were severely damaged by such rains and aimed to reduce this percentage significantly.

Meadows’ second priority is to further improve the county’s equipment for road maintenance. “My biggest problem when I came into office was having the equipment to do the work. I’ve made some significant gains in that, but there’s more that needs to be done,” he said.

His third goal is to maintain a reliable and dedicated workforce. Meadows highlighted the importance of having a team that shows up and performs their duties. “I’ve had to fire five people, four of whom were grader operators, because they didn’t understand the responsibility of serving people and showing up to do the work,” he explained. Meadows emphasized the improvements made with new hires who are both skilled and committed to their roles.

Fergason underscored the critical need for road and bridge improvements. “The roads and bridges are very important. I’ve driven some of these roads and I’m glad I have a Jeep,” he said, noting that many roads were never properly built, lacking adequate drainage and other essential features.

Fergason’s second priority is to plan for the county’s growth. “As the county starts to grow, there needs to be some planning and processing, and policy built for what’s coming up,” he stated. Fergason emphasized the necessity of being prepared for future development and infrastructure demands.

His third goal is to ensure fiscal responsibility within the county. “The fiscal responsibility of the county is crucial because we will need the funds for that,” he explained, stressing the importance of managing the county’s finances to support necessary infrastructure and services.

Priorities for Road and Bridge Improvements at Forum (Discussion begins at 43:20 in the video)

Coffman identified regular and effective road maintenance as his top priority. “We shouldn’t have school buses stuck in the middle of a county road when we have less than two inches of precipitation in a month,” Coffman emphasized. He stressed the need for a reliable maintenance schedule to ensure roads remain passable and safe for all residents.

Coffman also highlighted the importance of proper budgeting to support these efforts. “The budget needs to be right,” he said, advocating for fiscal responsibility and efficient use of county resources. Coffman proposed seeking additional funding sources to bolster the county’s infrastructure budget. “We need to get with the state representatives in the district, with ACOG, and find other funds,” he explained. He questioned the current allocation of funds towards bike trails, emphasizing the urgent need for road improvement funds instead.

Meadows focused on improving the resilience of roads during adverse weather conditions. “During the winter, when we have slow soaking rains, 80% of my unpaved roads were trashed,” Meadows stated. His goal is to reduce this percentage significantly by enhancing the durability of these roads.

Meadows also emphasized the need for better equipment to facilitate road maintenance. “My biggest problem when I came into office was having the equipment to do the work. I’ve made some significant gains, but there’s more to be done,” he said. Upgrading and maintaining equipment is a key component of his strategy to improve infrastructure.

Additionally, Meadows highlighted the importance of a dedicated workforce. “I’ve had to replace five employees because they didn’t understand the responsibility of serving people and showing up to do the work,” he explained. Ensuring a reliable and committed team is essential for maintaining and improving the district’s roads and bridges.

Fergason prioritized the fundamental need for road and bridge improvements, noting that many roads were not properly built initially. “A lot of the roads were probably never properly built to start off with,” Fergason stated, pointing out issues like inadequate drainage that lead to frequent washouts and damage.

Fergason also stressed the importance of planning for future growth. “As the county starts to grow, there needs to be some planning and policy built for what’s coming up,” he said. Ensuring that the infrastructure can accommodate future development is a key aspect of his approach.

Finally, Fergason emphasized fiscal responsibility as crucial to supporting these infrastructure improvements. “We will need the funds for that,” he explained, underscoring the need for careful financial planning to sustain long-term road and bridge projects.

Concerns Residents North of Highway 105 (Discussion begins at 51:53 in the video)

Coffman acknowledged the unique challenges faced by residents north of Highway 105, focusing on the need for consistent road maintenance. “With my campaigning and driving the county, or the district, anything north of 105 has absolutely no work done in the last year plain and simple.”

Meadows quickly disagreed. “It’s an insult to my operators and my people suggesting nothing has been done north of 105 it’s an absolute insult.”

Fergason recognized the infrastructure challenges north of Highway 105 and emphasized his commitment to addressing them. “I understand that many of the roads were not properly built initially, leading to significant issues with drainage and maintenance,” Fergason said. He prioritized rebuilding and upgrading the roads to ensure long-term durability and safety.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts (Discussion begins at 1:10:09 in the video)

Fergason expressed a critical view of TIFs, emphasizing their potential negative impact on essential services such as schools and fire departments. “The best I understand it, it’s where you take money that would be allocated to other areas and pull it in to do a project,” Fergason explained. He highlighted the concern that TIFs divert funds from crucial services, leaving them underfunded.

Fergason shared his findings from discussions with a local school. “They don’t like TIFs because they pull money from them, and nobody makes up that money,” he noted. According to Fergason, this results in schools scrambling to cover lost funds, which can exacerbate existing financial struggles, especially in districts like Guthrie, which already faces challenges in passing bonds. “I’m not a TIF person. I think everything should be upfront and on an even playing surface,” Fergason concluded.

Coffman acknowledged that while TIFs can be problematic, they might have a place under certain conditions. “If you have an existing area of homes, that’s not a good place for a TIF because it takes money away from schools, EMS, and other services,” Coffman stated. However, he noted that TIFs could be beneficial for new developments where they wouldn’t detract from current property tax revenues allocated to schools and other services.

Coffman pointed to commercial developments as suitable candidates for TIFs. “They did a TIF for Loves up there to build a sewer line, and it was paid off in three years instead of the five-year period,” he explained, highlighting a successful example of TIF usage that generated necessary infrastructure without long-term financial strain. “So, yes, there’s a place for them,” Coffman concluded, suggesting a balanced and situational approach to TIFs.

Meadows strongly advocated for the use of TIFs, presenting them as a crucial tool for improving infrastructure without raising taxes. “TIFs have never been used anywhere in the state of Oklahoma for county roads. I’m proposing two TIF districts right now,” Meadows announced. He projected that these TIFs could enable the paving of 14 miles of roads over the next five years without depleting existing resources.

Meadows argued that TIFs are essential for maintaining and improving road conditions, which would benefit school transportation and reduce vehicle wear and tear. “If you want better roads, TIFs are the best friend that you’ve got,” he asserted. Meadows also referenced support from some school officials, noting that as long as TIFs are limited to a five-year term, they could be mutually beneficial.

Closing Statements (Discussion begins at 1:25:42 in the video)

Coffman, a lifelong resident of Logan County, emphasized his extensive local experience and dedication to community service. Coffman has served on the Meridian Fire Department for 13 years, including 10 years as chief, before retiring in 2010.

“I draw a whole $85 a month retirement check from the Meridian Fire Department,” Coffman stated, underscoring his commitment as a volunteer. He promised to be fair to all citizens, regardless of their living conditions and aimed to improve essential services like road maintenance. “We’re not going to pave all the roads in Logan County in my lifetime, but we can maintain them now and that will be enough,” he concluded.

Meadows took a more combative tone, criticizing Coffman’s actions regarding a recent equipment purchase. Meadows explained that he had ordered four new graders to avoid fines and improve road maintenance but accused Coffman of sabotaging the plan by urging other commissioners to vote against it.

“I believe he’s a fraud and a charlatan,” Meadows stated. He argued that if Coffman had his way, the district would be left with inadequate equipment, harming residents who depend on well-maintained roads. Meadows positioned himself as the candidate who would make honest decisions for the benefit of the community.

Fergason, a former county commissioner in Kansas with military experience, took a more measured approach, focusing on his qualifications and vision for the county’s future. Fergason has four years of experience as a commissioner, along with extensive management and financial expertise from his military career, including a tenure at the Pentagon.

“I would appreciate your support,” Fergason said. He emphasized the importance of managed growth and zoning to guide development and prevent problems like those he observed in Houston. Fergason also highlighted the need for building inspectors to ensure quality construction, aiming to create a safer and more prosperous community. “Instead of complaining, I’m offering myself to help you build this county to be a better place for us and our children to live in,” he concluded.

Floyd Coffman

Experience and Service:

  • Lifelong Logan County resident.
  • 13 years in the Meridian Fire Department, including 10 as chief.
  • Committed to fairness and community service.


  • Regular road maintenance to prevent issues like school buses getting stuck.
  • Proper budget management and securing additional funding.
  • Focused on practical solutions for improving infrastructure.

TIF Position:

  • Recognizes both benefits and drawbacks.
  • Supports TIFs for new developments but cautious about their impact on existing services.

Charlie Meadows

Incumbent Commissioner:

  • Current commissioner, elected to replace a predecessor involved in a scandal.
  • Committed to serving one additional term.


  • Improve road durability, especially against slow soaking rains.
  • Enhance equipment and maintain a reliable workforce for road maintenance.
  • Focused on long-term infrastructure improvements.

TIF Position:

  • Strong advocate for TIFs to fund road improvements without raising taxes.
  • Plans to propose two TIF districts to pave 14 miles of roads in five years.

Mike Fergason


  • Former county commissioner with a military background.
  • Emphasizes managed growth and zoning to guide development.


  • Road and bridge improvements, addressing fundamental issues like drainage.
  • Strategic planning for the county’s growth.
  • Fiscal responsibility to support infrastructure needs.

TIF Position:

  • Critical of TIFs due to their potential negative impact on essential services like schools.
  • Advocates for transparency and fairness in funding projects.


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