Logan County citizens with unwanted furniture, appliances and junk can use the District 2 roll off dumpster instead of dumping in the creek or on the side of the road. It is free to all Logan County residents (non commercial). This service is proving effective at reducing dumping in the district. We are located at 1550 N Midwest which is one mile north of the new Loves Truckstop being constructed at the I-35/Hwy 33 intersection. Our hours are 7:30-4 M-F.
A District 2 Town Hall meeting is scheduled at Coyle School cafeteria, 700 S Cottingham Ave, on Tuesday, December 1 at 6:30pm. All three commissioners will be in attendance to get public input on future ambulance service. The City of Guthrie plans to limit their ambulance service runs within the Guthrie School District borders only late in 2016. Three EMS districts currently receive a 3 mill ad valorem property tax (about $30/yr/$100,000) and serve about half the county. The meeting is to determine how the rest of the county wishes to meet this challenge.
By now, everyone will have noticed the accumulating amounts of leaves everywhere. Critical to our roads is the drainage. Proper drainage keeps washouts from crossing the roadway. Culverts (tinhorns) in private driveways are part of that private driveway and must be maintained so as to not impede road drainage. If you have one, please keep yours clean by checking regularly and unclogging leaves and trash.
Within the next few weeks, AT&T contractors will be moving telephone cable on the north side of Rollercoaster Rd to the south side. OG&E has completed the first phase of moving electric poles on the southside. Four more poles will be moved in the coming weeks. We hope to open the straightened east end before Christmas. Road construction has slowed. Our trackhoe operator was injured last month while operating it and will be out of action for a while. Also, my road foreman was injured at the District 1 yard early this month but should be back next week on light duty. These people are necessary to this project.
Striping of Waterloo, between Midwest and Douglas, should be coming soon and is only waiting on the contractor. Resurfacing the mile between Midwest and Pine (Air Depot) is planned for next spring.
Seward at Midwest will be getting a fresh coat of striping around that hairpin curve as soon as the contractor can get to it. At Seward and Douglas, the safety barricades upgrade was delayed by the delay of Congressal funding. Construction is planned next spring.
Loves is hiring. Doors plan to open December 10. Easements for sewer lines have been agreed upon and construction of new sewer lines going south to Valeros and north to the water tower on College should begin soon. The construction of a new sewer line that is done well can ensure that water and sewerage run through the city without any issues. This is to ensure that a sewer line unclogging will be easy to do should it ever become clogged.
Also, Autoquip on W Industrial is hiring a night shift. With good pay and excellent benefits, Autoquip is a quality company for long term employment.
Rural Water District 1 has contracted a new low pressure water line from Langston to the town of Meridian and two water towers. The project is funded by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board because wells in Meridian exceed the health standard for arsenic. The contractor plans to start next spring.
Do not count on “someone else” to keep us informed on road conditions. .We will respond as soon as we are able. Our office is 282-3405 and my cell is 405-650-0384 and I text. Or email us at [email protected]
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