A 20-year-old has been charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon on his own father. The son reportedly said he wanted to hurt his father, but not kill him.
The Logan County Sheriff’s Office responded near the intersection of Simmons Rd. and Bryant Rd. in southern Logan County on January 26.
Kyle Wayne Scruggs, 20, and his father got into an argument while inside a blue Ford Ranger. Both exited the vehicle and began a physical altercation, according to a court document.
A witness says Scruggs pulled a knife out and started to slash at his dad. The witness also said the father did not make forward movement toward Scruggs and was attempting to back away. A second witness also told deputies the father was attempting to stand his ground.
During the scuffle, the father fell into a plastic fence causing it to break. The 46-year-old father grabbed a piece of the fence in attempt to defend himself, according to the witness.

Kyle Wayne Scruggs is accused of assault and battery on his father.
A deputy stated the father had four wounds from the knife, including two to the left ear, across the left cheek to the nose and a serious wound to the left side of the neck. The deputy says the neck wound appeared to be 12 centimeters deep and dangerous to the major arteries.
Scruggs reportedly told the deputy of an earlier incident between with his father and told him the next time he touched him that he would remember it.
In the police report, the deputy told Scruggs because of the size of the knife and the seriousness of the wound he would be arrested for assault and battery with intent to kill.
“He (Scruggs) was keeping true to the statement that his father would remember it and intended to cause him serious lethal harm to his father in a state of anger,” the deputy said in his report.
Scruggs was charged on Tuesday with assault and battery with a deadly weapon or by force likely to produce death. He was given a $20,000 bond and a February 22 court hearing. Those facing charges of assault such as this are usually represented by a law firm that specializes in criminal law to best represent and defend the rights of their clients.
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