Every year, over 4000 students in Oklahoma compete in choral and instrumental music to be named to one of the All-State ensembles. This year, the Guthrie Junior High and High School music program have 11 All-Staters and they will be participating in their respective groups in the coming weeks.

GHS Vocal Director Bill Perring
GHS Vocal Director Bill Perring says is highly pleased with the number of students recognized for their accomplishments.
“This is the most we have had since I have been teaching here in Guthrie and I am proud of the hard work all of these students have exhibited.”
As a part of being selected to the All-State choir and band, the students will be traveling to Tulsa and downtown Oklahoma City to stay overnight, rehearse and present the All-State Concerts. The expense for each student includes participation fees, hotel fees and meals will cost each student $250.
To help support the cost, the choir and band booster clubs try and raise money to pay for as much of this as possible, including a celebratory dinner. However, with the number of All-State selections, fundraising has not been able to cover the costs.
Now, the department is looking for sponsorships. If you would like to pay for all or make a donation, you can write a check to the vocal booster club (GHS VIP), or contact Perring at the high school 405-282-5906.
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