Guthrie Road Celebration this weekend at Mineral Wells

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The 28th edition of the Guthrie Road Celebration is coming to Mineral Wells Park this weekend.

The show will be held Saturday, September 17th and much like in the past will have door prizes, trophies and over $500 in cash prizes.

 The Flashbacks Club said, “We are extending this special invitation to those of you who have attended the Guthrie Oklahoma Road celebration Car Show in the past.”

Rgistration is open this week for spots, but the organization committee will be on hand Friday in the park between 6:00 and 6:45 p.m. for another chance to preregister.

 After registration on Friday evening, the group plans to take a cruise around town beginning at 7:00.

 A new addition has been added this year with a movie inside the park.

“Come after dinner and bring your lawn chairs. The club has obtained a large portable screen for the show.” The movie time is set to begin at dusk.

The show this year is dedicated to the memory of former Flashbacks president Helen Machtolff. A special trophy will be awarded in her honor.

For further information, call Grid at (405) 282-6238,  R.C. at 282-1188, or send an email to [email protected].”



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