Halloween carnival set for Oct. 24 at Territorial Museum

Guthrie’s best family Halloween party, History Never Dies, is back on Saturday, October 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. at The Oklahoma Territorial Museum. Witches, zombies, ghosts and fairies alike are all invited to attend the spooktacular party – there are some tricks and definitely lots of treats in store.

The event is free and includes a light fare of hot dogs, popcorn, cookies and other festive treats.  Family activities will include carnival games, scavenger hunts, and a cupcake walk.  There are lots more fun activities for all the family, so make this Halloween a memorable one, safe in the knowledge that your kids will be indoors, warm, dry and in a safe environment.

The Oklahoma Territorial Museum & Historic Carnegie Library is located at 406 E. Oklahoma Ave. Guthrie, OK. For more information find us on Facebook or call the Oklahoma Territorial Museum at 405-282-1889.

About The Oklahoma Territorial Museum

The mission of the Oklahoma Territorial Museum is to preserve the heritage of Oklahoma through the collection and interpretation of archival and material culture to present the development and influence of urban institutions. The museum documents the creation of the Unassigned Lands, the Land Run of 1889, the homestead experience, and territorial and state government. The history of Guthrie is told as the capital city of the territorial government and the first state capital.


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