Langston city officials met again Wednesday evening on the fate of their police chief and deputy chief, who were suspended just a week ago.

Trustee Alicia Sumlin, Mayor Blayne Hinds and Trustee Alonzo Peterson discuss the agenda Wednesday evening.
The council, two trustee’s and the mayor, decided to lift the suspension of Deputy Chief Paul Bush while the Police Chief Jeffery Jenkins remains suspended.
Chief Jenkins, who attended the meeting along with Bush, and his attorney asked the council to postpone their decision.
The mayor nor the trustee’s would discuss why the two were suspended with pay, but Jenkins was accused of not signing an agreement that would allow officers to use a national database to run background checks (OLETS).
Prior to going into executive decision last week, the council voted unanimously (3-0) to approve the OLETS agreement.
Meanwhile, Bush was arrested at a CLEET certification for failing to appear in court for a speeding ticket 16 years ago.
According to KOKH Fox 25, in Oklahoma City, neither Jenkins or Bush have not completed their certification from the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (Cleet), but both have been granted extensions.
City Trustee Alonzo Peterson said Bush was reinstated with administrative duties, but must complete all requirements including the Cleet certification.
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