Following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for February 25, 2021.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2021-29 | State of Oklahoma v. Spaulding, Tyler Michael lane |
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2021-31 | American Express National Bank v. Richard J Ewers, et al |
CJ-2021-32 | Craft Lease Properties, LLC v. Dusty Kitchko, et al |
Civil Misc. (CV)
CV-2021-16 | Kamo Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Three Wild Turkeys Farm, LLC et al |
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2021-21 | In re the Marriage of: Klein, Laticia and Klein, Mickey |
FD-2021-22 | In re the Marriage of: Ronan, Paula Marie and Stinnett, Robert Dean |
Protective Order (PO)
PO-2021-26 | Chelsea Brett Tucker vs Johnathan Lee Tucker |
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