The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County on April 6, 2012.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2012-102 State of Oklahoma v. Jackson, Perrydon Franklin CF-2012-103 State of Oklahoma v. Ford, Fabian Garrett CF-2012-104 State of Oklahoma v. Davis, Gregory Charles
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2012-103 Velocity Investments, LLC v. Simmons, Ronald W.
Criminal Misdemeanor (CM)
CM-2012-196 State of Oklahoma v. Mackillican, Molly Lee CM-2012-197 State of Oklahoma v. Martinez, Jorge Luis CM-2012-198 State of Oklahoma v. Gammill, Sarah Elizabeth
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2012-110 Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. v. Bell, Pat A.
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2012-73 In re the Marriage of: Wetterlund, Michelle and Wetterlund, Ronald
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2012-46 In Re the marriage of Esta L. Bryant and Roger Wesley Shelton ML-2012-47 In Re the marriage of Jamie Marie Brooks and Dennis Laverne Reitz
Traffic (TR)
TR-2012-557 State of Oklahoma v. Kershner, Larry Dean Jr. TR-2012-558 State of Oklahoma v. Gurley, Gheorghe Valeriu TR-2012-559 State of Oklahoma v. Cowell, Curtis S. TR-2012-560 State of Oklahoma v. Price, Kacey Dawn TR-2012-561 State of Oklahoma v. Baade, Bruce Allen TR-2012-562 State of Oklahoma v. Danecker, Jamison Lee
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