The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County on March 21, 2012.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2012-86 State of Oklahoma v. Graves, Casey Monroe
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2012-87 Credit Collections, Inc. v. Angela Dawn Glander CS-2012-88 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Hightower, Brittanny D. CS-2012-89 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Lentz, Christina CS-2012-90 Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. v. Chandler, Clark D. CS-2012-91 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Carey, Gerald Duane CS-2012-92 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Lesko, Edward P. Jr.
Civil Misc. (CV)
CV-2012-20 In The Matter of the Emancipation of Anthony Scott Dobey
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2012-57 In re the Marriage of: Kemp, Rowena and Kemp, Roy FD-2012-58 In re the Marriage of: Shephard, Brian and Shephard, Beckie FD-2012-59 In re the Marriage of: Anderson, Jamie Michelle and Anderson, Curtis Glen
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2012-33 In Re the marriage of Dolores Arteaga Silva and Rojo Tomas Gonzalez ML-2012-34 In Re the marriage of Savana Michael Loscalzo and Jared Lessly Van Houtan
Protective Order (PO)
PO-2012-19 Chantal Robinson vs Kenyatta R. Wallace
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2012-127 Linda Lundquist vs. John Chambers, et al. SC-2012-128 Kenny G. Wilson vs. Jennifer Bailey SC-2012-129 Mull Properties vs. Nicole Woolever
Traffic (TR)
TR-2012-467 State of Oklahoma v. Trevelise, Peter Jon TR-2012-468 State of Oklahoma v. Trevelise, Peter Jon TR-2012-469 State of Oklahoma v. Harris, Louie Raymond TR-2012-470 State of Oklahoma v. Guthrie, Anthony W TR-2012-471 State of Oklahoma v. Berry, Micky Lee TR-2012-472 State of Oklahoma v. Burley, Dalton Thomas TR-2012-473 State of Oklahoma v. Carson, Lacey Lynn
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