The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for Nov. 5, 2015.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2015-256 State of Oklahoma v. Kyle, Chad Derrick
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2015-221 JPMorgan Chase Bank v. Tosha Crumb, et al
Civil Misc. (CV)
CV-2015-99 Dunsworth, William Evan v. State Of Oklahoma Ex Rel Department Of Public Safety CV-2015-100 In The Matter Of: Eric E Merveldt v. State of Oklahoma ex rel., Department of Public Safety
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2015-208 In re the Marriage of: Stephens, Amber D and Stephens, Dustin L
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2015-196 In Re the marriage of Gerald A Stettnisch and Debra Kim Sprague ML-2015-197 In Re the marriage of William Edward Hammerle and Katilyn Nicole Vinson ML-2015-198 In Re the marriage of Frankie G. Defuentes and Mary Josephine Doyle
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2015-416 Gessel, Delmer Roy v. Wells, Michael SC-2015-417 Mercy Hospital Logan County v. Hopkins, Victor SC-2015-418 Integris Health Edmond v. Womack, Jessica Lynn SC-2015-419 Norman Regional Health System v. Olson, Zachary B SC-2015-420 Emergency Medical Services Authority v. Black, Zachary Edward SC-2015-421 Integris Health Edmond v. Stanley, Christina Marie SC-2015-422 Integris Health Edmond v. Leiva, Manuel SC-2015-423 Integris Health Edmond v. Nelson, Garon SC-2015-424 Integris Baptist Medical Center v. Zamora, Marco Antonio SC-2015-425 Integris Health Edmond v. Burrell, Glenna
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