The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County on November 14, 2012.
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2012-345 The Estate Of Louis Shaw vs Bryan Frans CJ-2012-346 Ashley Neal and Yolanda Neal vs. John Schroeder and Leonard’s Auto Repari
Paternity (FP)
FP-2012-114 April Dawn Williams vs. Perry Dean Swan
Probate (PB)
PB-2012-81 In the Matter of the Estate of Olive Velma Foster, deceased PB-2012-82 In the Matter of the Estate of Lloyd Bernard Smith, deceased
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2012-500 Bell Finance vs. Kimberly Boyles SC-2012-501 Bell Finance vs. Michelle Doolittle SC-2012-502 Bell Finance vs. Dale Majors SC-2012-503 Bell Finance vs. Scott Bonn
Traffic (TR)
TR-2012-2157 State of Oklahoma v. Sherman, Rodney Scott TR-2012-2158 State of Oklahoma v. Harry, Angelica TR-2012-2159 State of Oklahoma v. Zabizewski, Julie TR-2012-2160 State of Oklahoma v. Gaudette, Leo TR-2012-2161 State of Oklahoma v. Dunn, Sherry Ann TR-2012-2162 State of Oklahoma v. Thompson, Richard Wayne TR-2012-2163 State of Oklahoma v. Burro, Richard Lee TR-2012-2164 State of Oklahoma v. Shelton, Blake Anthony TR-2012-2165 State of Oklahoma v. MITSCHELEN, PHILLIP RICHARD TR-2012-2166 State of Oklahoma v. Zabizewski, Julie TR-2012-2167 State of Oklahoma v. Davenport, Stephen Roy TR-2012-2168 State of Oklahoma v. Whyatt, Christopher Michael TR-2012-2169 State of Oklahoma v. Mcelhany, Michael Joseph TR-2012-2170 State of Oklahoma v. Kerr, Kailey Ann
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