The following is the Inter-Watch Summary from the Guthrie Police Department for September 24, 2013.
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2013-203 Midland Funding LLC v. Philip H. Blair
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2013-175 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. James Wilhelm CS-2013-176 Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC v. Bryan Kelley
Probate (PB)
PB-2013-96 In the Matter of the Estate of John Y. Schreyer, III, deceased PB-2013-97 In the Matter of the Estate of David Lee Clymer, deceased
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2013-373 Kyle L. Duncan vs Dusty Alan Cotton SC-2013-374 Kyle Lewis vs. Neko Kertesz
Traffic (TR)
TR-2013-2022 State of Oklahoma v. Fitzgerald, Chet David TR-2013-2023 State of Oklahoma v. Mitchell, Travis Don TR-2013-2024 State of Oklahoma v. Saathoff, Kyel Andrew TR-2013-2025 State of Oklahoma v. Wood, Justin Kelly TR-2013-2026 State of Oklahoma v. Goff, Ronald Ivan TR-2013-2027 State of Oklahoma v. Mitschelen, Phillip Richard TR-2013-2028 State of Oklahoma v. Snow, Bethani Diane
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