Following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County for November 14, 2017.
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2017-234 Cali Milks vs Mae Carrasco Mendezo
Criminal Misdemeanor (CM)
CM-2017-555 State of Oklahoma v. Smith, Sheldon Maurice CM-2017-556 State of Oklahoma v. Harris, Ajuana Maria CM-2017-557 State of Oklahoma v. Wyrick, Joshua Michael
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2017-370 Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. v. Michele D Robertson CS-2017-371 Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. v. Christie Clifford, et al CS-2017-372 Discover Bank v. Busby, Georgia S
Civil Misc. (CV)
CV-2017-137 In re: the Applicaiton of: Billy D. Gummow to issue title
Marriage license (ML)
ML-2017-203 In Re the marriage of Bradley Dale Wyman and Kalise Ruth Pritchett
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2017-505 Bell Finance v. Heird, Gidget N SC-2017-506 Bell Finance v. Sinclair, Melissa
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