As of March 21st 2011 there are now ten outdoor warning sirens in Logan County. In district one they are located at Broadway & Camp, Kelly & Triplett, Two in Cedar Valley, Two at Cimarron Golf course, Hwy 74 & Forrest Hills, and Seward & May. In district two the sirens are at the Sooner Fire Dept. at Midwest & Camp along with the Woodcrest Fire Dept. at Douglas & Charter Oak.
Outdoor warning systems are designed to alert citizens who are outside or outdoors; they are not designed to penetrate buildings and warn those inside structures. Citizens should not mistakenly wait to hear a siren as their only source of warning information. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) All-Hazard radio with Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) technology is a good method of receiving warning messages indoors. Additionally, warnings can be received from radio, television, subscription services (that use text messages, e-mails, and telephone messages), social media, and other available sources.
When the Logan County Outdoor Warning System is activated, the public should “Take Shelter and Seek More Information.” Taking shelter is a personal decision and responsibility and may include moving indoors into a sturdy structure, going to a safe room, or into a storm shelter. Seeking more information may include looking at or listening to various electronic media to learn the nature of the hazard or threat, its location, and timing as to impacting their area. Citizens, once they have received more information, can make informed decisions on what further protective actions to take.
Logan County will not issue an “All Clear” signal. Citizens must remain aware of their environment and situation to know when the threat no longer exists by monitoring their NOAA All Hazards Alert Weather Radio, television, radio, subscription services that use text messages, e-mails, telephone messages, social media, and other available sources.
The county siren system will be activated when the National Weather Service (NWS) issues a Tornado Warning for Logan County, Credible report of tornadic conditions, Location of the threat, or Timing of the threat in the area of the county sirens.
The sirens are set up to do a weekly test every Wednesday at noon to sound for three seconds. The tone or sound for the sirens will be a long steady three minute blast.
If you happen to notice someone “Out of Place” around any of the sirens please call the Logan County Sheriff`s office at 282-4100 with the siren location and vehicle description.
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