Oklahomans encouraged to purchase earthquake insurance

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Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak is encouraging Oklahomans to purchase earthquake insurance after a new report predicts continued seismic activity in the central part of the state. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said central Oklahoma has experienced more than 200 magnitude 3.0 or greater earthquakes since January 2009.

seismograph“Looking into earthquake insurance after your home or business has sustained damage resulting from an earthquake will do little good to help you recover,” said Doak. “Now is the time to protect yourself before the next one occurs.”

Seth Robbins with Terra Insure Group in Guthrie says they offer many different options when it comes earthquake coverage, including a disaster bundle policy, with either endorsements or stand alone policies.

Robbins says no matter what option you go with be sure you know these key items.

“People need to talk to their agent and find out what is available to them, what does it cover, what does it exclude and what is the deductible.”

USGS reports an average of 40 earthquakes per year in Oklahoma from 2009 to 2013, an increase from an average of two to six yearly from 1975 to 2008. Oklahoma’s record-breaking 5.6-magnitude quake in November 2011 destroyed 14 homes and damaged dozens more. However, an estimated less than one percent of Oklahomans carry earthquake insurance. Standard homeowners or renters insurance policies do not cover damage caused from earthquakes.

earthquake“Reporting methods for earthquakes are continuing to get better as technology improves and the fact is that the earthquake rate has dramatically increased,” continued Doak. “We need to be prepared for any hazard that we face here in Oklahoma. Not only can earthquakes generate a great deal of damage to your property, they can cause a great deal of damage to personal finances if you’re not sufficiently covered.”

Earthquake policies vary in cost depending on multiple factors, including the desired level of coverage and deductible amount. Insurers also determine the premiums based on the property location, age and construction of the home and the cost to rebuild. An Oklahoma homeowner can expect to pay $100 to $150 per year for the coverage, which will cover repairs to the property and may cover other structures not attached to the house, like a garage. It also insures personal property against damage from an earthquake and covers the cost to remove debris.

Oklahoma consumers with questions about earthquake insurance can call the Oklahoma Insurance Department’s Consumer Hotline toll-free at (800) 522-0071 or visit http://www.ok.gov/oid/earthquake_tips.html.


6 Comments on "Oklahomans encouraged to purchase earthquake insurance"

  1. What they do not tell you is if you have insurance FEMA will not help you. So if you take care of your family and get insurance FEMA gives you NOTHING but if you do nothing they will come help you but not to the extent to get on your feet.
    The Fed is a broken system of crooks.

  2. Earthquake insurance is cheap too.

  3. I had hurricane and flood insurance in florida during Wilma. Flood said wind pushed the water in and windstorm said it was a flood. NEITHER PAID any of the $50,000 damage and the above comment is correct because FEMA would not help out at all because I had insurance. FEMA did say they would pray for me. Insurance and our government (not our great country) is a joke and a waste of money- they never settle up and never get punished at all. I am a petroleum engineer and the increase in quakes are caused by fracking and injection wells. Oil companies should pay up but they wont and our system of paid off government will never make them.

  4. I just purchased Earthquake Ins. with AAA. $8000 deductible is standard at a cost of $120 a year.

  5. Linda,
    If that makes you feel better at night / it is money well spent BUT the 120/yr is wasted because your house will never leveled or be destroyed by a quake in OK and perma-jack and a good plasterer could probably fix any damage for far less than $8,000. The insurance will also deny, delay, and flat beat you down and out of your money before they pay out a penny to anyone. Maybe AAA would MAKE them live up to their obligation. We need “insurance commissioners” that stand up to insurance companies not get lobbied by them with their funds at election .No disrespect Mr. Doak because I know nothing of your specifics or beliefs sir BUT politicians that are joined at the hip with lobby money – should go down with the ship at re-election. Joined at the hip/down with the ship. Remember this and maybe we can save our great country.

  6. I think its better to have this earthquake insurance, especially nowadays, the world experienced a lot of earthquakes this days.

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